2020 Hurricane Delta (Type-1 Severe Weather Incident)—Deputy Incident Commander (Port Arthur, TX)
2020 Hurricane Beta (Type-1 Severe Weather Incident)—Planning Section Chief/Deputy Planning Section Chief/GIS Specialist (Port Arthur, TX)
2020 Hurricane Laura (Type-1 Severe Weather Incident)—Deputy Area Commander (New Orleans, LA) and Deputy Incident Commander (Port Arthur, TX)
2020 Harris County Non-Congregate Medical Shelter (Type-1 Global Pandemic)— Incident Management Assistance Team
2020 Alabama Shipyard Disinfection/Decontamination Plan Development for Cardinal Culinary Services (Type-1 Global Pandemic)—Consulting services and plan development
2019 MidCoast Energy Tabletop Exercises (Type-4 Simulated Oil Spill/HazMat Incidents)—Exercise Evaluator Evaluated five tabletop exercises for client at multiple processing sites throughout rural East Texas.
2019 Harris County Multi-Agency Coordinating Group Gap Analysis (Project Management)—Project Manager / Deputy Project Manager / Project Team Managed $750,000 project charged with developing a comprehensive Multi- Agency Coordinating Group Gap Analysis that identified initiatives to protect our community in the face of multiple Type-1 hazardous materials incidents beyond expanding air monitoring capacity. Included a risk assessment of refining and chemical plant operators and contractors. Provided comprehensive report in 78 working days that within five weeks, led to 74 new First Responder and support positions within four county departments as well as approximately $12 million in response equipment needs.
2019 USCG Auxiliary Full-Scale Exercise “RED FISH 2019” (Type-3 Simulated Mass Casualty Offshore Incident)—Exercise Manager Facilitated a full-scale exercise on 1 June 2019 involving four small boats and one shore station. Performed simulated rescue activities in the wake of unexpected severe weather (based on similar event from 1992).
2019 Phillips 66 Spill Management Team Exercises (Type-3 Simulated Oil Spill Incident)—Exercise Evaluator Evaluated annual Spill Management Team Exercise for major petrochemical facility in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. •2019 Second 80s Incident (Type-1 HazMat/Oil Spill/Industrial Fire)—Deputy Planning Section Chief
2019 Government Shutdown Point of Distribution (Type-3 Special Event)—Incident Commander
2018 Kirby Spill Management Team Exercise (Type-3 Simulated HazMat Incident)— Exercise Manager / Exercise Controllers/Evaluators/Coaches Facilitated a Spill Management Team Exercise, dubbed “Ammonia 2018,” for Kirby Inland Marine headquarters in Channelview, Texas on 13 October 2018. The exercise was held at a venue in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and simulated an incident that occurred along the Mississippi River near West Memphis, Arkansas.The exercise was performed at the direction of Kirby Inland Marine and was conducted in accordance with current NPREP and HSEEP standards. There were a total of 66 participants. The exercise was planned and facilitated by a FEMA-certified Master Exercise Practitioner (MEP). The exercise simulated a collision between a tug and pressure barge load with ammonia and a tug and tank barge loaded with #6 fuel oil. Following the collision, the pressure barge allided with a loading dock on the right descending bank and damaged it’s scrubbing unit. The tank barge loaded with diesel began discharging product at the rate of 10-25 gallons per minute from the #1 port void and cargo tank. The pressure barge began to vent ammonia from the damaged scrubber unit. The focus of the exercise was the Incident Brief, Initial Unified Command Meeting, Unified Command Objectives Meeting, and the Command and General Staff Meeting as described in the US Coast Guard Incident Management Handbook (COMDTPUB P3120.17B). Pre-exercise training conducted by exercise staff included review of chemical hazards associated with ammonia, plume modeling, and crisis communications.
2018 Gulf of Mexico Area Maritime Security Committee’s Tabletop Exercise “GULF GUARDIAN 2018” (Type-3 Simulated Maritime Homeland Security Incident)— Exercise Manager Facilitated the Gulf of Mexico Area Maritime Security Tabletop Exercise, named TTX GULF GUARDIAN 2018 for the Gulf of Mexico Area Maritime Security Committee on 13 September 2018. Exercise was conducted in accordance with current HSEEP standards. The exercise used a surface borne, drone threat to influence plan review and validation by participating members of the Gulf of Mexico Area Maritime Security Committee. There were 127 participants from both the public and private sectors.
2018 Hurricane Michael (Type-1 Severe Weather Response)—Incident Commander (South Battalion area) and Emergency Operations Center Supervisor.
2018 Vopak Spill Management Team Exercise (Type-3 Simulated Oil Spill Incident)— Exercise Manager Facilitated a Spill Management Team Exercise, dubbed “Vopak 2018,” for Vopak Terminal located in Deer Park, Texas on 17 August 2018. The exercise was performed at the direction of Phoenix Pollution Control and Environmental Services and was conducted in accordance with current NPREP and HSEEP standards. There were a total of 27 participants. The exercise was planned and facilitated by a FEMA-certified Master Exercise Practitioner (MEP). The exercise simulated a lightning strike on Tank 607 and associated pipelines that resulted in a release of 78,103 barrels of lube oil from the associated pipelines. The focus of the exercise was the Incident Brief Initial Unified Command Meeting, Unified Command Objectives Meeting, and the Command and General Staff Meeting as described in the US Coast Guard Incident Management Handbook (COMDTPUB P3120.17B). Note: This scenario was almost identical to the Second 80s incident (2019) that occurred seven months later at the adjacent facility and that led to the Harris County Multi-Agency Coordinating Group Gap Analysis.
2018 Newfield Exploration Company Business Continuity Tabletop Exercise (Type-3 Simulated Continuity of Operations Incident)—Exercise Manager Facilitated a Continuity of Operations Exercise for Newfield Exploration Company on 19-20 June 2018. The exercise was conducted in accordance with current HSEEP standards. The exercise used a long-term (30+ day) power interruptionas the scenario to assess the Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP). Some artificialities were introduced that would require the use of an alternate work site other than just having employees work from home. There were a total of 30 participants.
2018 M/V IVER EXPORTER Oil Spill – Mississippi River, Norco Louisiana – Situation Unit Leader
2018 USCG Auxiliary Full-Scale Exercise “RED FISH 2018” (Type-3 Simulated Mass Casualty Offshore Incident)—Exercise Manager Facilitated a full-scale exercise on 12 May 2018 involving four small boats and two shore stations performing simulated rescue activities in the wake of a sunken dinner cruise vessel.
2017 Hurricane Nate (Type-2 Severe Weather Response)—Deputy Area Commander
2017 Channel Industries Mutual Aid Zone 4 Full-Scale Exercise (Type-3 Simulated Industrial Fire/HazMat/Technical Rescue Incident)—Exercise Manager Facilitated a full-scale exercise on 26 September 2017 at AkzoNobel for CIMA Zone 4. The exercise simulated an industrial incident that resulted in a fire, hazardous materials release, and technical rescue operation. The exercise was facilitated by a Master Exercise Practitioner and conducted in accordance with HSEEP standards. There were 142 interagency participants and over 35 fire, rescue, HazMat, and law enforcement apparatus.
2017 Hurricane Irma (Type-1 Severe Weather Response)—Incident Commander (South Battalion area) and Emergency Operations Center Supervisor.
2017 Hurricane Harvey ESF-10 Response/Recovery (Type-1 Oil Spill/Hazardous Materials Response)—Liaison Officer
2017 Hurricane Harvey Response (Type-1 Severe Weather Response)—Planning Section Chief
2017 UPRR-Shell Spill Management Team Exercise (Type-3 Simulated Incident)— Exercise Manager / Deputy Exercise Manager Simulated multi-car derailment in suburban community and impact on tributary of navigable waterway.
2017 USCG Auxiliary Full-Scale Exercise “RED FISH 2017” (Type-3 Simulated Mass Casualty Offshore Incident)—Exercise Manager Facilitated a full-scale exercise on 20 May 2017 involving four small boats,a small aircraft, a mobile communications facility, and two shore stations performing simulated rescue activities in the wake of a downed passenger aircraft.
2017 BNSF Spill Management Team Exercise (Type-3 Simulated HazMat Incident)— Exercise Manager / Deputy Exercise Manager Facilitated a California Tabletop Exercise for BNSF on 27 June 2017. The exercise was performed at direction of the State of California and was conducted in accordance with current CalOSPR Tabletop Exercise standards. There were a total of 56 participants.
2017 Mesquite Oil Spill (Type-3 Pipeline Oil Spill)—Planning Section Chief
2016 Genesis Energy Spill Management Team Tabletop Exercises (Type-3 Simulated Oil Spill Incidents…Inshore/Offshore)—Exercise Manager Facilitated two Spill Management Team Tabletop Exercises for Genesis Energy 5 October 2016. The inshore exercise simulated a leak from a Tank Barge GM5042 near Buoys 59/60 on the Houston Ship Channel and the initial response decision making by the Unified Command. The offshore exercise simulated a release from Tank Barge 13501 over nine miles off Galveston, Texas and the initial response decision making by the Unified Command. The exercises were conducted in accordance with current NPREP and HSEEP standards. There were a total of 46 participants in the two exercises.
2016 Galveston County LEPC Exercise (Type-3 Simulated HazMat Incident)—Exercise Manager Facilitated a Tabletop Exercise for the Galveston County Local Emergency Planning Committee on 11 August 2016. The exercise was performed at the direction of Galveston County and was conducted in accordance with current NPREP and HSEEP standards. There were a total of 16 participants. The exercise simulated a motor vehicle accident involving a tank truck hauling molten sulfur and two vehicles on the HWY 146 bridge over Dickinson Bayou and simulated the initial response decision making by key participating agencies.
2016 UPRR Spill Management Team Exercise (Type-3 Simulated Incident)—Exercise Manager / Deputy Exercise Manager
2016 Hurricane Matthew (Type-1 Severe Weather Response)—Incident Commander (South Battalion area) and Emergency Operations Center Supervisor.
2016 BNSF Spill Management Team Exercise (Type-3 Simulated Incident)—Exercise Manager
2016 Mosier Unit Train Derailment (Type-1 Railroad Hazardous Materials Release)— Deputy Incident Commander / Planning Section Chief / Deputy Planning Section Chief / Situation Unit Leader / Operations Section Chief / Deputy Operations Section Chiefs / Logistics Section Chief / Deputy Logistics Section Chief / After- Action Report Author
2016 Energy Transfer-DeWitt County Spill Management Team Exercise (Type-3 Simulated Oil Spill Incident)—Exercise Manager Facilitated a National Preparedness Response for Exercise Program (NPREP) Spill Management Team Tabletop Exercise for Energy Transfer and DeWitt County (Texas) on 16 February 2016. The exercise simulated a pipeline release of natural gas liquid that then ignited north of the city of Cuero, Texas. There were 29 participants.
2015 Dredge JN FISHER Sinking/Oil Spill/Salvage (Type-3 Maritime Oil Spill/Salvage)—Incident Commander (Oil Spill) •2015 Enterprise Products Spill Management Team Exercise (Type-3 Simulated Oil Spill Incident)—Exercise Manager Facilitated a National Preparedness Response for Exercise Program (NPREP) Spill Management Team Tabletop Exercise for Enterprise Products (Texas) on 6 October 2015. The exercise simulated a pipeline release of unleaded subgrade gasoline in Grant County, Arkansas. There were 42 interagency participants.
2015 Port of Texas City Security Tabletop Exercise (Type-3 Simulated Terrorism Incident)—Exercise Manager / Deputy Exercise Manager Facilitated an active shooter tabletop exercise in a major port complex. 42 participants from federal, state, local, and private sector entities attended this exercise. The exercise developed and was managed in accordance with HSEEP standards.
2014 Ebola Virus Disease Response (Type-1 Public Health Response)—National Crisis Action Team Deliberate Planner
2014 Georgia Ports Ocean Terminal Incident (Type-2 Fire and HazMat Incident)— HazMat Group Supervisor Review and evaluated delivery of emergency services. Administered clean-up operations on behalf of City of Savannah, GA. Assisted with environmental inquiries from public stakeholders.
2014 Unaccompanied Alien Children Influx (Type-1 Alien Migrant Interdiction Operation)—National Coordinating Group Planning Section Chief
2014 Texas City Y Oil Spill (Type-1 Maritime Oil Spill)—Planning Section Chief
2014 State of the Union Address (Type-1 National Special Security Event)—Maritime Homeland Security Incident Management Advisor
2013 Houston-Galveston Interagency Oil Spill Functional Exercise (Type-1 Simulated Oil Spill)—Exercise Planner/Controller/Evaluator
2013 BLACK SWAN International Maritime Rescue Offshore Full-Scale Exercise (Type-1 Simulated Mass-Rescue Offshore Incident)—Deputy Exercise Manager
2012 Paulsboro Derailment (Type-2 Railroad Hazardous Materials Response)—Deputy Unified Commander / Planning Section Chief
2012 Hurricane Sandy (Type-1 Severe Weather Response)—Area Planning Section Chief
2012 USCG Severe Weather Tabletop Exercise (Type-3 Simulated Severe Weather/COOP Incident)—Exercise Manager
2011 USCG Severe Weather Tabletop Exercise (Type-3 Simulated Severe Weather/COOP Incident)—Exercise Manager
2011 USCG Maritime Security Functional Exercise (Type-1 Port Recovery Incident)— Exercise Manager Facilitated a major Port Recovery Exercise to assess capabilities of largest petrochemical complex in the Western Hemisphere to recover from a devastating terrorist attack that blocked the Houston Ship Channel. 153 federal, state, local, private sector, and NGO personnel actively participated in this exercise. The exercise was managed by a Master Exercise Practitioner in accordance with HSEEP standards.
2010 Enbridge Pipeline Oil Spill (Type-1 Maritime Oil Spill)—Planning Section Chief
2010-2012 DEEPWATER HORIZON Oil Spill (Type-1 Maritime Oil Spill)—Incident Commander / Planning Section Chief / Director of Offshore Operations / Situation Unit Leader / Operations Branch Director / Environmental Section Chief / Staging Area Manager
2010 Rogue Vessel Game Exercise #2 (Type-1 Maritime Homeland Security Incident)—Exercise Manager / Deputy Exercise Manager Facilitated follow-on maritime security exercise to assess improvements in plans, training, resources, capabilities and facilities since Rogue Vessel Exercise #1. The exercise had 105 interagency participants from over 35 federal, state, local, and private sector agencies and organizations. Game managed by a Master Exercise Practitioner in accordance with HSEEP standards.
2010 USCG Severe Weather Tabletop Exercise (Type-3 Simulated Severe Weather/COOP Incident)—Exercise Manager
2010 USCG Pandemic Tabletop Exercise (Type-3 Pandemic/COOP Incident)— Exercise Manager Developed and facilitated a 3-day decision-making exercise that focused Sector leadership to determine priorities and ongoing capabilities as a debilitating pandemic impacted unit personnel. Exercise conducted in accordance with HSEEP standards.
2010 M/V EAGLE OTOME Oil Spill (Type-1 Maritime Oil Spill)—Deputy Operations Section Chief / Deputy Planning Section Chief / Situation Unit Leader
2010 Interagency Marine Firefighting Full-Scale Exercise (Type-3 Simulated Shipboard Incident)—Exercise Manager
2009 Rogue Vessel Game Exercise #1 (Type-1 Rogue Vessel Incident)—Exercise Manager Facilitated a maritime security exercise to assess plans, training, resources, capabilities and facilities necessary to address a rogue vessel operating within the largest petrochemical complex in the Western Hemisphere. The exercise was managed by a Master Exercise Practitioner in accordance with HSEEP standards.
2009 USCG Severe Weather Tabletop Exercise (Type-3 Simulated Severe Weather/COOP Incident)—Exercise Manage
2009 National Level Exercise-09 Functional Exercise (Type-1 Simulated Terrorism Incident)—Lead Federal Planner for State of Texas / Lead Industrial Planner for State of Texas Led an interagency team in developing injects and synchronizing Texas Master Scenario Events List for DHS-led exercise that focused efforts on information gathering, analysis, and intelligence sharing across the whole of government. Coordinated exercise control and evaluation n the Houston-Galveston exercise area.
2009 M/V CHEMICAL SUPPLIER Oil Spill (Type-3 Maritime Oil Spill)—Planning Section Chief
2008 Hurricane Ike (Type-1 Severe Weather Response)—Planning Section Chief
2008 USCG Severe Weather Tabletop Exercise (Type-3 Simulated Severe Weather Incident)—Exercise Manager
2008 USCG COOP Full-Scale Exercise (Type-3 Simulated COOP Incident)—Exercise Manager
2007 Cotton Patch Bayou Incident (Type-3 Hazardous Materials Incident)—Planning Section Chief / Liaison Officer
2007 USS TEXAS Commissioning (Type-1 National Special Security Event)—Security Planner
2007 USCG Severe Weather Tabletop Exercise (Type-3 Simulated Severe Weather Incident)—Exercise Manager
2007 Interagency Pre-Event IAP Workshops/Exercises (Type-3 Simulated Incidents— Oil Spill/Maritime HazMat/Shipboard Fire/Maritime Homeland Security for Ports of Houston, Texas City, Galveston, and Freeport)—Project Manager / Exercise Manager
2006 6th Civil Support Team Maritime Full-Scale Exercise (Type-3 Simulated HazMat Incident)—Exercise Manager
2006 USCG Severe Weather Tabletop Exercise (Type-3 Simulated Severe Weather Incident)—Exercise Manager
2005 Hurricane Rita (Type-1 Severe Weather Response)—Planning Section Chief
2005 Hurricane Katrina Mega-Shelter Area Command (Type-1 Mass Care/Mass Sheltering)—Area Commander / Deputy Area Commander / Assistant Area Commander / Planning Section Chief (note: largest mass-shelter operation in US history)
2005 LEPC – Middletown, CT – Bio-Terrorism Exercise – Exercise Developer/Manager
2005 Region 35 Health District – CT – Mass Vaccination Exercise – Exercise Manager
2005 Region 36 Health District – CT – Mass Vaccination Exercise – Exercise Manager
2005 LEPC – Middletown CT – Bio-Terrorism Exercise – Exercise Developer/Manager
2005 6th Civil Support Team Maritime Full-Scale Exercise (Type-3 Simulated HazMat Incident)—Exercise Manager
2005 USCG Severe Weather Tabletop Exercise (Type-3 Simulated Severe Weather Incident)—Exercise Manager
2004-2005 Viking Petroleum Tank Battery Oil Spill (Type-3 Oil Spill)—Unified Commander
2004 USCG Severe Weather Tabletop Exercise (Type-3 Simulated Severe Weather Incident)—Exercise Manager
2004 G-8 Summit in Savannah, GA (Type-1 National Special Security Event)—Planner Assisted with Planner Assisted with contingencypreparedness activities including plan writing and development.Reviewed and evaluated emergencyservice delivery methods.Identified and resolved deficiencies in operational response tactics. Performed activities to mitigate releases of hazardous and toxic materials.
2004 Interagency Marine Firefighting Full-Scale Exercise (Type-3 Simulated Shipboard Firefighting Incident)—Exercise Manager
2004LEPC Middletown CT–Chemical Release Exercise –ExerciseDeveloper/Manager
2002-2004 Operation PALADIN I, II, III, IV,V (Type-2 Maritime Homeland SecurityOperations)—Planning Section Chief
2003 T/B NMS 1477 (Type-2 Maritime Hazardous Materials Release/Salvage)—Planning Section Chief
2003 Hurricane Isabel (Type-2 Severe Weather Response)—Deputy IncidentCommander / Planning Section Chief
2003 USCG COOP Full-Scale Exercise (Type-3 Simulated COOP Incident)—Exercise Manager
2003 TOPOFF 3 (Top Officials Exercise) – New London, CT - Safety Officer
2003 USCG Severe Weather Tabletop Exercise (Type-3 Simulated Severe Weather Incident)—Exercise Manager
2002 Amtrak Capitol Limited Derailment and Mass-Casualty Incident—HazMat Group Supervisor
2002 USCG Severe Weather Tabletop Exercise (Type-3 Simulated Severe Weather Incident)—Exercise Manager
2001-2004 Operation NEPTUNE SHIELD (Type-1 Maritime Homeland Security Response)—Planning Section Chief / Senior Task Unit Duty Officer (Houston- Galveston area of response)
2001 Interagency Terrorism Response Full-Scale Exercise (Type-1 Simulated Terrorism Incident)—Exercise Manager
2001 Anthrax Terrorist Attacks in Washington, DC/Suburban MD (Type-1 Terrorism Incident)—HazMat Group Supervisor
2001 9-11 Attacks in Washington, DC area (Type-1 Terrorism Response)–HazMat Task Force Leader
2001 Tropical Storm Allison (Type-1 Severe Weather Recovery)—Incident Commander •2001 Tropical Storm Allison (Type-1 Severe Weather Response)—USCG Agency Representative
2001 Amtrak Derailment in Montgomery County, MD—HazMat Officer)
1999 Houston Hazardous Materials Response Exercise (Type-1 Simulated HazMat Response)—Exercise Manager
1999 Houston Terrorism Response Tabletop and Full-Scale Exercises (Type-1 Simulated Terrorism Response)—Exercise Manager
1999 Port Terminal Railroad Association Derailment (Type-1 HazMat Incident)—LEPC Administrator
1998 M/V KATANIA Ship Fire (Type-3 Maritime Fire and Hazardous Materials Response)—Unified Commander
1998 M/V ARKTIS SPIRIT Ship Fire (Type-3 Maritime Fire Response)—Unified Commander
1998 M/V RED SEAGULL (Type-2 Maritime Oil Spill)—Planning Section Chief
1998 Amoco Pipeline Oil Spill (Type-2 Maritime Pipeline Oil Spill)—Air Operations Branch Director
1997 M/V STOLT SPIRIT Ship Fire (Type-3 Maritime Fire and Hazardous Materials Response)—Unified Commander / Accountability Officer
1997 USCG Severe Weather Tabletop Exercise (Type-3 Simulated Severe Weather Incident)—Exercise Manager
1997 M/V KORNAT Ship Fire (Type-3 Maritime Fire Response)—Unified Commander
1996 Olympic Games Detail (Type-3 Fire and HazMat Incident)—Preparedness Consultant Planned, directed, and coordinated training to meet in the events objectives, goals, priorities, and policies. Coordinated training for hazardous material operation response by water. Oversaw testing and validation of equipment for emergency personnel. Assisted with security of venues and response to major events.15
1996 T/B BUFFALO MARINE 286 (Type-2 Maritime Oil Spill/Salvage)—Planning Section Chief
1996 MARC Train 286/Amtrak's Train 29 Collision and Derailment in Silver Spring, MD (Type-2 Mass Casualty Incident)—HazMat Group Supervisor
1996 USCG Severe Weather Tabletop Exercise (Type-3 Simulated Severe Weather Incident)—Exercise Manager
1996 T/B BUFFALO MARINE 292 (Type-2 Maritime Oil Spill/Salvage)—Planning Section Chief
1995 Powell Duffryn Tank Farm Explosion (Type-3 Fire and HazMat Incident)— Consultant Provided local government and private-sector contractors a full-range of crisis management expertise including: plan development and validation, continuity of operations support and incident management support. Coordinated direct activities with the mitigation hazardous and toxic materials.
1995 USCG Severe Weather Tabletop Exercise (Type-3 Simulated Severe Weather Incident)—Exercise Manager
1994 San Jacinto River Incident (Type-1 Severe Weather Response)—Deputy Operations Section Chief / On-Water Recovery Group Supervisor
1993 LEPC Middletown CT – Chlorine Release Exercise – Exercise Developer/Manager
1993 Operation ABLE MANNER (Type-1 Alien Migration Interdiction Operation)— Rotary-Wing Aviator
1992 US Air Force C-130 Crash in Berkeley Springs, WV (Type-2 Military Aircraft Incident)—HazMat Group Supervisor
1991 Railroad Derailment in Maryland (Type-3 HazMat Incident)—HazMat Group Supervisor
1990 Apex Barge Oil Spill (Type-1 Oil Spill Incident)—Rotary-Wing Aviator
1988 USCG Port Security Exercise (Type-3 Simulated Port Security Incident)— Exercise Manager
1978 Freight Train Derailment and Fire in Montgomery County, MD (Type-3 Fire Incident)—Firefighter